oinume journal

Scratchpad of what I learned

Entries from 2015-10-01 to 1 month



これはSending pull-request only with terminal and keyboardの日本語の記事です。 必要なもの Mac Terminal hub command (brew install hubでインストールしておく) How to send pull-request ブランチを作る $ git checkout -b new-cool-feature ソースを…

Sending pull-request only with terminal and keyboard

Sending pull-request only with terminal and keyboard. Mac, Terminal and hub command are required.

Logging into dmm.com by Selenium

I use Selenium to log into dmm.com because dmm.com requires JavaScript enabled browser. Here is a sample code. You can see Firefox is launched and automatically logging into dmm.com if you use Firefox instead of PhantomJS. login_dmm.py #!/…

Get auto increment values from MySQL information schema

Information schema is metadata about MySQL. We can obtain useful information from it. For example, I get current auto increment values by following SQL. SELECT t.table_name, t.auto_increment FROM information_schema.tables AS t WHERE t.tabl…


最近読んで面白かったブログとかYouTubeとかPodcastの紹介。 Talk Python To Me talkpython.fm Pythonのpodcast。SQLAlchemyやrequestsなどめっちゃ使われているライブラリの作者が登場していて面白い。「SQLAlchemyはHibernateの影響を受けている」とか作者…

What I read, watched, listened recently

dotGo 2014 - Andrew Gerrand - 5 things I love Andrew Gerrand is a Googler and worked for Go. I watched this video just to learn English but it was good that he was describing Go's feature very well. www.youtube.com Golang UK Conference 201…